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The Tainted Cup

engraving of a cup fallen to the ground and a plant growing out of it with death's head flowers; from the left, greenery encroaches onto the engraving
The Tainted Cup, by Robert Jackson Bennett

This book is astonishingly good--it succeeds both on the level of a second-world fantasy with completely novel cultural and fantastical elements that surprise and delight (and sometimes horrify), and on the level of a murder mystery. It calls back to other stories in the genre, from Pacific Rim to Bujold's Vorkosigan series to Sherlock Holmes, without being in any way derivative or predictable. The characters are brilliant, the world is immersive, the mystery is mysterious. I had SO MUCH FUN reading it that I honestly have nothing else to say but that it's fantastic. 100% will be reading more by Bennett.


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