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Hyperbole and a Half

To be completely honest, I read this book because I needed to check a box for my library's summer reading program: read a graphic novel. And when I wandered over to the graphic novel section, here this was on an end cap. I remember Brosh's blog, from way back when the internet was, if not young, at least not old, and so here we are.

Hyperbole and a Half is fun! It's also sad. As the (former) owner of a dog who was so terrible with strangers that I had to lock her in a separate room whenever a stranger (meaning anyone not in the circle of about ten people she knew and loved) entered my house, the sections on Brosh's terrible dogs made me cry-laugh. Or laugh-cry. I miss my terrible dog so damn much.

Here's a picture of her in all her sun-dog glory:

a selfie in which my chihuahua has stuck herself in front of my face and is posing majestically in afternoon sunlight

RIP to Deinonychus, aka 'Dinah', aka 'The Queen of My Heart,' a small, bitey monster who I loved as much as I've ever loved anyone or anything.


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