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His Majesty's Dragon

His Majesty's Dragon is fun in an uncomplicated way. I read it when I was ill, and it was a solid comfort read--cozy, welcoming prose, and the plot hits the right emotional beats for a brain that was just barely in good enough shape to read a new book instead of one I'd read before.

I was ill because I'm a responsible adult, and the autumn is creeping in. Every year as the days get shorter and grayer, I get massively depressed: exhausted, sad, muddy with despair. Some years I've been able to make plans and travel during the darkest months to a place with sunshine, but this year it's looking like I'm going to be stuck, and therefore depressed. So, I started taking anti-depressants again.

We'll see if it helps. It certainly knocked me on my ass, hard, for like a week--I think my doctor gave me a starting dose that was a bit too high. I basically did nothing but watch How To Cook That on YouTube for like two days, and then spent another three moving very slowly and reading novels curled up under a blanket.

That said, I may actually read the rest of the Temeraire books, even though I'm adjusting well to the medication now. Novik's prose is just so fun and easy, and her characters are lovely.


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